Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Blog Post 22.5......Follow up interview

I decided to do a follow up interview and finally, after my participant and I had to keep pushing back dates and he cancelled a few times we were able to do one! I'm happy with the outcome so I thought I would transcribe it and share here as some more data work (also since I plan to incorporate this into my final project, I needed it transcribe it to pick apart some of the excerpts)

B: Hey! how’ve you been?

J: Good! Sorry for cancelling the other day there’s just mad work to be done. I’m really just trying to hang in there for the last few weeks of class.

B: Yeah I know exactly how you feel, but at least this is it for you YAY hahaha (laughter)

J: (laughs) I know! It’s so surreal, you’ll get there soon though.

B: Hopefully. (laughs) I know you’re super busy but I like really do appreciate you coming out for this last interview. So let’s just get started…. So last time, I remember you said that a lot of sites “help” you with ideas and you even mentioned using the internet and paraphrasing was almost like a “tool” for writers block. Do you think you can tell me about some of the ways that using the internet has helped you positively in expanding your papers?

J: Positively like in what sense?        

B: Like what has it taught you? Like since you referred to it as a tool last time, What kind of skills have you picked up from it?

J: UHHHH….. Ok, I would say that while i’m surfing the web for new things to put in my paper, or like while I’m on forums or asking questions on answers (I believe my participant was referring to Yahoo! answers here)  (hahaha) I think over time I learned just what to ask the other people im talking to online. Or I learned what to type into my search and which links to click on to find what I really need. Basically I feel like im getting better info because I’m asking things we didn’t go over in class or that’s not in plain sight in the book we read or something. A lot of times you can ask your professor these things but they are kinda vague because they never want to GIVE you the answer. Which I mean I get it but sometimes it’s good to see all the different responses you get, all of them right and you can pick which ones you want to draw your own ideas off. Does that make sense? (laughs)

B: Ok yeah makes perfect sense, I never really noticed but you’re totally right. Sometimes I get confused when professors are vague because they don’t wanna do the work for you. So these forums and stuff give you a bunch of examples then, right? From people who may know the subject and have their own ideas?

J: Yeah exactly it’s just a bunch of examples in my eyes. I mean, after surfing the web for a while you can see that some of those people just get their answers from other sites and and you can see who has actually put thought into their answer. Because the ones that just copy and paste are pasting things that are the first to pop up when you start your search. And no one wants to use the obvious one (laughs).

B: Okay so do you think your professor can’t see if you put thought into your answer then as well, just like you can see some people online clearly don’t?

J: well I never said I don’t put thought into my answers. I def put a lot of thought into it, I just sometimes draw from those who may be more critical thinkers on the subject. But I deff think they get my own creative juices flowing too you know like when you’re in class and someone raises their hand and has an awesome answer. I can’t write that in my notebook and use it later? Of course I can. But it was just said not written so no one will ever know (laughs)

B: Got cha. So let me ask you, do you take plagiarism seriously at all?

J: yeah of course why else would I go through all the trouble of surfing the web high and low for things that come out of people’s heads instead of things that come from an encyclopedia? (laughs)But no seriously I mean I think it’s serious, but at the same time I think it’s just a really big way of life today. The internet and talking to other people about things at all times, really using ALL your sources. If you have a health concern you don’t call your dr anymore you go on webmd and see if other people had the same syptoms. (laughs)

B: hahahaha that’s soooo true! I LIVE on webmd, I’m a little hypochondriac (laughs). But yeah you’re so right, awesome answers by the way haha…. So does this mean you feel that The guidelines for what constitutes as plagiarism should change? Be updated somehow? In what kinda ways?

J: Oh yeah hahaha (laughs) if only that could’ve happened before I graduated. (laughs)  It would be really cool if the plagiarism gods out there updated things or got more specific  (we both laugh). Or even if we had someone who uses the internet themselves but was like an expert at the rules and knew how to reach us to use it without it being “cheating” because I’m sure there’s a way. Not sure if it’s what I’ve been doing (laughs) but there deff has to be a right way and I think someone should teach that instead of making us scared of the internet all together, because I mean we’re GONNA use it…oh unless we use the library database or something. (laughs)

B:Right, I think that would be an awesome idea. Make up more aware on the ways we could avoid plagiarism and still use all our sources out there even if they are so “credible” right?

J: Right like show us how to navigate safely because the internet shouldn’t just seem like it’s totally off limits, and that’s how it feels a lot of the time.

B: So do you think that students are unaware of what plagiarism even is? Why or why not?

J: yeah I do and I think some professors don’t even ko what it is (laughs) because how can I be wrong in class A but in class B it’s okay? I personally think no one REALLY KNOWS what it is, just don’t copy and paste (laughs)

B: haha! okay. Well I think that will wrap it up honestly, I think I got all the data I need. Youv’e been a reall awesome participant thanks soooo much!!!

J: (laughs) No problem it was fun. I never really knew I thought all these things till you asked me anyways hahaha

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